These 5 easy steps you can try to stop falling hair- News Mix

Hair fall is also natural, but sometimes hair falls due to stress, malnutrition, infection, climate change, pollution, fatigue and hormonal imbalance. In an adult, about 1 lac hair follicles are found, of which about 100 hair follicles are lost every day, but in the next 5-6 weeks, it re-emerges. This means that the process of hair fall-growth continues continuously.

Caring for the right kind of healthy diets and hair can not only prevent hair from falling but also helps in the strengthening of the hair. Some home remedies can be used to reduce hair loss or to completely stop. Today, we are going to tell you about some such home remedies that have been tried and are very effective in preventing hair loss.

Zinc - Zinc is a powerful anti-oxidant. It is quite effective for hair growth. There is a problem with hair loss even when there is a lack of zinc in the body. Sprouted grains, whole grains, sesame etc. are the best sources of zinc. Apart from this, zinc supplements can also be used to cure their deficiency in the body. Sulfur - Sulfur plays a key role in the formation of two natural amino acids, cysteine ​​and methionine. These acids are extremely beneficial for hair, nails and skin health. Sulfur is found in abundance in ginger, egg, meat, onion, fish, and seafood.

Mustard oil - For the growth of hair, mustard oil has been used traditionally. Mustard oil, rich in erucic acid, is helpful in increasing hair length, nourishing and growing new hair. Natal Leaves - Natal leaves, that means that the leaves of the jittery are full of essential nutrients for hair. Among them, essential elements such as Vitamin B, Magnesium, Copper, Zinc, Sulfur and Silica are found in abundance. To use it, boil 4 spoonfuls of nettle leaves in a liter of cold water and leave for 10 minutes for cooling. After this, filter it and massage the sculptures twice a day. Spirulina - Spirulina is an aquatic plant. Being a stock of nutrients it is kept in the category of Superfoods. It is found in abundance of proteins, iron, silica, which helps to strengthen the structure of the hair. For its use, take a spoon of spirulina powder sprayed on a salad or raw vegetables.

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